At Connect Pet Care we’re thrilled to share some exciting news for your pets! This is an incredible membership that solves many of the challenges you face with traditional pet insurance.

Like you, we love our pets, and we want to ensure they receive the best possible care when they need it most. Our pets are an important part of our family, and they deserve the best wellness and healthcare available.




/ Month

Regardless of how many pets you have.

Connect Vacations has the same inventory of Hotels, Flights, Car Rentals etc as all the other major travel sites like Expedia, Priceline etc. The main difference is we don’t have the massive overhead that the laerge travel companies have, Connect Vacations can help consumers save 10%-50% off on their hotel bookings worldwide.

Auto Approved Group is a “matchmaking” service for the auto industry. We gather verified customer data for people looking for auto financing and who are seeking to purchase a vehicle. The Auto Leads industry is a $100,000,000 plus industry with most dealerships paying an average of $250 per customer lead. Auto Approved Group can capture a massive number of qualified leads via our Tv Shows and Social Influencers for a lot better price.

Connect Health

Telemedicine Acute , Primary Care and PT with Zero Service Fee
Telemedicine Acute , Primary Care and PT with Zero Service Fee
Telemedicine Acute , Primary Care and PT with Zero Service Fee
Allstate ID Security Pro+
ACI Legal & Financial Services Plan
Basic coverage (above) is $34.99 and $49.99 Member +Family.

Good Energy

Energy Drinks are a $300B+ Industry.  Most of the energy drinks in the market have harmful ingredients.  Good Energy is a clean energy drink.
Great Taste, Camu Camu, Electrolytes, B&C Vitamins, Caffeine from Green Tea, Zero Sugar, Amino Acids. 
If you’re going to drink an energy drink, you may as well drink something GOOD for you.

Good Super Greens

The Greens industry is a $6B Industry.  The dominant player is AG1 who currently has a market value of $1.2B
Their entire marketing strategy has been built on utilizing social media and influencers. 
Good Super Greens uses  similar ingredients (in our opinion better) to AG1 but with a bigger marketing force (TV shows and influencers) and a better price than AG1.
Connect Mobility is our own branded cell phone plan powered by T Mobile. We’ll keep our prices competitive to Mint Mobile with the main difference is we’ll use Ti Coins (Treasure Island Coins) as a form of compensation for our customers loyalty.
The Topical Pain Relief industry is worth $10B per year. Pain X is an All Natural Pain Relief Spray. No Chemicals = No Side Effects Spray it on for Back Pain, Headache relief, Neck Pain, Leg cramps…anything that hurts.
The Online Dating Industry is a $10B per year business. All dating sites are toxic with no intention of helping people finding true matches. If people found their match, they would no longer need a dating site. Connect Dating is a game changer. 126,000,000 people are looking for a real relationship. Connect Dating - 100% Verified Users (no fake profiles, no bots, no catfish, no scams - All users must fill out a questionnaire. This will help Connect Dating to find compatible partners. - When users on the platform are “swiping” on potential partners, their seeing their percentage of compatibility with the person their swiping on. Connect Dating’s sole purpose is to help people find real compatible partners.
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